frustration (noun): a deep chronic sense or state of insecurity and dissatisfaction arising from unresolved problems or unfulfilled needs

Believe it or not there really has been a good reason why I haven’t posted to this blog for awhile.  That reason has nothing to do with laziness or lack of commitment and everything to do with the fact that my injury has zapped 90% of my zeal for training.  The remaining 10% is there solely because I can still train, although in a severely modified fashion.  I was diagnosed with rotator cuff tendonitis a few weeks before the Midwest Sprint and the prescribed treatment was rest, ice, and physical therapy. The Midwest Sprint was the one “excused” departure from that regimen.  Several weeks of no pull-ups, push-ups, shoulder exercises, or anything that might aggravate the rotator cuff has been mentally challenging for me.  This is the first time in 2 years that my training has regressed and it has been difficult for me to accept that.  All the Spartan bravado aside, I fully understand that it is better to be on the shelf several weeks while healing, than pushing ahead like a crazy person and doing permanent damage to my body.  That said it is still frustrating me to no end.

A couple of weeks ago I received a cortisone injection in hopes that it would reduce the inflammation enough to heal.  My physician and physical therapist both thought that would resolve the situation..nope!  More physical therapy, more weeks of training modifications, and the fear that the injury is worse than tendonitis.  See definition of frustration above.  This depicts my mental state very well.  I hate this cliche, but only time will tell.


Enough with the belly-aching.  I’m incredibly blessed.  If tendonitis is the worst thing that happens to me then I will gladly take it, wrap it up, and put it in my pocket.  This trial is shaping me….for what?  I have no earthly idea, but I do know that I’ve been forced to concentrate on other physical activity like stretching and increased core and leg work.  Perhaps this is just what I needed in order to become more flexible.  Perhaps this change in training regimen will strengthen my legs to the point that they won’t go into excruciatingly painful cramp mode at my next Spartan Super and Beast races.  Perhaps it is giving me perspective on what is important and how very fortunate I am to be as healthy as I am.  Perhaps, just perhaps, this is a good thing.